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Pretty Vacant: using vacant building credit

In the 8th episode of Kings Chambers' Planning Podcast, Matthew Stafford, Jonathan Easton, Piers Riley-Smith and Philip Robson consider how Vacant Building Credit may be used in response to the potential rise in vacant buildings during the COVID-19 crisis.

This episode of the planning podcast discusses an underused policy, but one that could rise to significance in the recovery. Vacant Building Credit ('VBC') might be seen as something of a planning backwater, suitable only for dedicated planning aficionados. However, the esoteric nature of the policy should not mask its potential significance, especially during and after the current crisis. Sadly, one of the inevitable consequences of COVID-19 is that more buildings will become vacant and the economic pressures on the house building sector increased. This pressure could be alleviated to some extent by the sensible application of VBC.

About the panel

Matthew Stafford.jpg

Matthew Stafford

Matthew has over 19 years experience working as a Town Planner (MRTPI) in the development industry, including in house Planning Manager for Commercial & Investment Property teams, planning and multi-disciplinary consultancies and for a local authority.

Matthew Stafford.jpg

Jonathan Easton

Jonathan practises in the areas of town and country planning and compulsory purchase, environmental law, highways and road traffic, licensing, local government and social housing.

Piers Riley Smith

Piers Riley-Smith

Piers has a varied planning, environment, licensing and highways practice. He is regularly instructed by local authorities, developers and the wider public in planning inquiries.

Philip Robson

Philip Robson

Philip has a broad planning and environmental practice. He acts for developers and local authorities throughout the country, at all stages of the process.