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GLD Vacancies

Can planning meet the renewable energy challenge?

With experts saying that renewable energy could power an economic recovery from the Coronavirus, planning lawyers may soon be busy delivering renewable energy schemes. Philip Robson, Giles Cannock QC, Rebecca Williams, Chris Calvert and Peter Nesbit discuss.

This podcast discusses repowering existing schemes, gaining community support, what local plans need to do on renewables, and the role of NSIPs. 

Philip Robson chairs a panel of Giles Cannock QC, Rebecca Williams (head of Policy and Regulation, RenewableUK), Chris Calvert (Executive Director Planning, Pegasus Group) and Peter Nesbit (Partner, Eversheds Sutherland).

About the presenters

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Philip Robson

Philip has a broad planning and environmental practice. He acts for developers and local authorities throughout the country, at all stages of the process – preparation of applications, local plan examination, injunctions, prosecutions, inquiries and High Court appeals. 

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Giles Cannock QC

Giles Cannock QC is one of the highest ranked Planning Barristers in the country. He has spent his entire practising career with Kings Chambers. He is a very well-regarded planning specialist, undertaking advisory work, appearing at Inquiries and the Courts at all levels.

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Rebecca Williams

Rebecca is Head of Policy and Regulation at RenewableUK.

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Chris Calvert

Chris has a wealth of experience across a broad spectrum of planning sectors, a range of project sizes, types and complexities.

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Peter Nesbit

Peter is a Partner and advocate in the planning team and undertakes a wide variety of planning, highways and CPO work. Peter is highly ranked in Chambers and Partners and described as “an absolute superstar in the planning space”.