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Planning appeals in the era of COVID-19

In this webinar, Lisa Busch QC and Dr Ashley Bowes provided an update on the latest position taken by PINs, commenting on comparable steps taken by Government and local authorities in other areas of public law decision-making.

With the UK in lockdown at present and for the foreseeable future, will planning appeals continue to be heard, and if so, by what means?

They also address the long-term implications of the procedural changes which adapting modern methods of communication to the planning system may bring for developers and planners, legal practitioners and local planning authorities.

SLIDES - Click here to download a copy of the slides that were used in this webinar

About the presenters


Lisa Busch QC

Lisa Busch QC specialises in planning, environmental, local government and public law, including human rights and equalities.

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tarao leary

Dr Ashley Bowes

Dr Ashley Bowes specialises in all aspects of the development and use of land, including planning, property, licensing and local government law.

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