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GLD Vacancies

Local plan examinations

Michael Bedford QC, Wayne Beglan and Rob Williams adress recent developments in planning law including Duty to Co-operate, Sustainability Appraisal, protection of the Green Belt, the relation between different levels of development plan, and more.

Also discussed: the implications of Covid-19, and practical examination matters.

Michael Bedford QC, Wayne Beglan and Rob Williams hosted a recent webinar discussing the latest developments in the local planning sphere. The presenters drew the facts on their experiences from over 20 local plan examinations in the last few years.

The webinar is relevant to all participants in the local plan process, including local authorities and those in the development industry.

SLIDES - Click here to download a copy of the slides that were used in this webinar

About the presenters

Sarah Sutherland

Michael Bedford QC

His practice covers all areas of town and country planning, local government law, judicial review, environmental law, infrastructure, highways and compulsory purchase.

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Wayne Beglan

Wayne Beglan undertakes most forms of local government work and also has a wide private client base.

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Emma Dring

Robert Williams

Rob is a specialist in public and administrative, planning and environmental, and compulsory purchase law.

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