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GLD Vacancies

GLD Vacancies

Planning case law review

Tom Cosgrove QC and Robin Green have an in-depth discussion of significant decisions of the higher courts and their implications for planning in 2020.

The Planning Court does not stand still and the past 12 months have seen a number of important cases illuminate and at times alter the operation of the planning system.

The seminar focused on how the latest judgments affect policy interpretation, decision making and the tilted balance, and Green Belt and heritage protection.

SLIDES - Please click here to download a copy of the slides that were used during the webinar

About the presenters

Sarah Sutherland

Tom Cosgrove QC

Thomas (Tom) Cosgrove QC is Joint Head of Chambers and a specialist in the field of planning and public law. He is acknowledged as one of the leading planning practitioners at the Bar.

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Robin Green

Robin is an experienced planning and public law barrister with expertise across a number of practice areas.

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