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GLD Vacancies

GLD Vacancies

Current issues in heritage law and practice

Harriet Townsend and Emma Dring discuss heritage points at appeal and in the higher courts and highlight some recent developments in heritage law and practice.

The potential impact of development on heritage assets can be a difficult issue to negotiate in planning applications and appeals, and the correct approach has been and continues to be the subject of much litigation.

Topics covered include:

  • Heritage and tall buildings, including recent Historic England consultation.
  • What is the 'optimum viable use', to be weighed against less than substantial harm?
  • Climate change and renewable energy – implications for the historic environment.
  • The Coronavirus pandemic 2020 - miscellaneous issues for the heritage sector.

SLIDES - Click here to download a copy of the slides used in this webinar. 

About the speakers

Emma Dring

Emma Dring

Emma is passionate about public and administrative law, and this is the unifying element of the various areas of her practice.

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Landmarks health and social care 3

Harriet Townsend

Harriet specialises in planning and environment law, and related property matters (most notably compulsory purchase).

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