Ashford Vacancies

GLD Vacancies

GLD Vacancies

Development plan issues

With the Government apparently maintaining its objective of having all local plans in place by the end of 2023, this webinar considers the current issues for development plan preparation arising from the restrictions imposed in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

The ongoing procedural difficulties, as well as the wider difficulties and issues that will arise once Examinations are fully running again, are explored in this webinar also.

Click here to view the slides.

About the speakers

David Elvin

Neil Cameron QC

Neil has extensive experience in planning, compulsory purchase, parliamentary and environmental work. He was joint head of Landmark Chambers from 2015-2018.

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Robert Walton QC

Stephen Morgan

Stephen has always specialised in planning and related fields of law, having graduated in both law and planning.

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Heather SeargentKatherine Olley

Kate is an established and highly experienced planning law practitioner.

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