Ashford Vacancies

GLD Vacancies

GLD Vacancies

Planning for the recovery - episode 1

In the first instalment of a four-part webinar series, Christopher Young QC, Leanne Buckley-Thomson, Thea Osmund-Smith, Jack Smyth and James Corbet Burcher look at how the pandemic will affect planning enquiries and five-year supply, alongside recent Secretary of State decisions and more.

  1. What will a planning inquiry this summer look like?
  2. How to predict the effect of COVID-19 on five-year supply?
  3. What messages should we take from recent SoS decisions?
  4. How will a local plan examination proceed if there is social distancing until Christmas?
  5. How do you consult with people at risk if they have to self-isolate until the end of the year?
  6. What happens to permissions that expired during lockdown?
  7. Appeals: Tactical considerations for LPAs.
  8. Is it business as usual in the Courts?
  9. How do you measure baseline conditions impacted by lockdown - traffic, air quality etc?

About the speakers

Sian Davies

Christopher Young QC

Chris acts for all of the UK’s leading house builders and most of the major land promoters such as Hallam Land, Gleeson, St Modwen, UKSL, IM Properties, Welbeck, Richborough Estates. He has an enviable track record at planning appeals, many of which are cases recovered by the Secretary of State.

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Leanne Buckley-Thomson

Leanne Buckley-Thomson is a member of the Commercial Litigation, Planning and Environment and Real Estate groups at No5 Barristers’ Chambers.

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Thea Osmund-Smith

Thea Osmund-Smith is a member of the Planning and Environment and Environmental Law groups at No5 Barristers’ Chambers.

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James Corbet Burcher

James Corbet Burcher is a member of No5 Chambers Planning and Environment Group

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Jack Smyth

Jack has a strong practice across the piste in Planning and Environmental law with a particular interest in High Court challenges and enforcement.