Ashford Vacancies

GLD Vacancies

GLD Vacancies

Planning for the recovery - episode 2

In the second instalment of a four-part webinar series, Christopher Young QC, Leanne Buckley-Thomson, Thea Osmund-Smith, Jack Smyth and James Corbet Burcher look at 12 questions including how will LPAs make robust assessments of supply in the absence of data, how to determine a planning application in the absence of a site visit and more.

Full list of questions answered in this episode:

  1. How will LPAs make robust assessments of supply in the absence of data?
  2. How to determine a planning application in the absence of a site visit?
  3. How can public involvement in planning inquiries and hearings be safeguarded?
  4. To avoid sterile debate at EiPs, should terrible Plans fail faster?
  5. How will COVID-19 affect continuity of use for the purposes of immunity against enforcement action?
  6. How will cross-examination work via video-conferencing?
  7. How are we going to assess viability in the light of limited comparable property transactions?
  8. Post-this crisis will Government policy give LPA's chance to catch up on delivery of development plans or will economic recovery and growth take priority?
  9. What about public participation in local plan examination?
  10. What do an LPA need to do to hold a virtual committee meeting?
  11. Do we really have to wait until May 2021 for Neighbourhood Plan referendums?
  12. How to investigate and gather evidence on alleged unauthorised internal works to a listed building during lockdown?

About the speakers

Sian Davies

Christopher Young QC

Chris acts for all of the UK’s leading house builders and most of the major land promoters such as Hallam Land, Gleeson, St Modwen, UKSL, IM Properties, Welbeck, Richborough Estates. He has an enviable track record at planning appeals, many of which are cases recovered by the Secretary of State.

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Leanne Buckley-Thomson

Leanne Buckley-Thomson is a member of the Commercial Litigation, Planning and Environment and Real Estate groups at No5 Barristers’ Chambers.

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Thea Osmund-Smith

Thea Osmund-Smith is a member of the Planning and Environment and Environmental Law groups at No5 Barristers’ Chambers.

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James Corbet Burcher

James Corbet Burcher is a member of No5 Chambers Planning and Environment Group

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Jack Smyth

Jack has a strong practice across the piste in Planning and Environmental law with a particular interest in High Court challenges and enforcement.