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GLD Vacancies

Noises and Smells

James Burton, Rose Grogan and Katherine Barnes provide a practical overview of the statutory and policy framework available to local authorities and others to address noises and smells.

The speakers discuss:

  • Criminal law tools, including offences under the Environmental Permitting Regulations 2016 and the Environmental Protection Act 1990 – Rose Grogan
  • Statutory nuisance tools under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 – Katherine Barnes
  • Other tools, including (i) “agent of change” planning policy principles and (ii) the potential monetary remedy offered by the Land Compensation Act 1973 where noise/smell is due to the use of “public works” – James Burton

In addition to outlining the substantive law, the speakers will also draw from their experience in this specialist field to address related procedural and strategic issues.

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About the speakers

Paul Campbell

James Burton

James specialises in environmental and planning law and civil liability, along with related areas (such as CPO, Part I Land Compensation Act 1973, energy and aviation). His work often involves the overlap between his practice areas, such as nuisance, Part I claims, and EIA/Habitats.

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Rose Grogan

Rose Grogan has a multi-disciplinary practice, specialising in environmental and planning law, public law (including commercial public law), and construction law and energy law. She is an experienced advocate, and appears regularly in the High Court, tribunals and public inquiries.

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David Elvin QC new

Katherine Barnes

Katherine practises planning and environmental law, as well as public law and human rights in its broadest sense.

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