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GLD Vacancies

Using compulsory purchasing powers and the planning system to deliver regeneration and income

Christopher Stanwell examines how compulsory purchase order (CPO) powers can be secured and used in housing or mixed-use regeneration projects.

Local Authorities are making greater use of CPO powers to deliver services, facilitate regeneration projects, control land and secure income streams. The Government is actively encouraging the use of these powers and has introduced reforms to speed up the process. Securing these powers in this market is an attractive way of facilitating regeneration.

In this webinar, we consider:

  • Developing and funding housing/mixed use regeneration projects;
  • Why use CPO powers to secure control of town centres and/or other land to facilitate housing/mixed use regeneration projects;
  • How to use CPO powers – an explanation of the process and what needs to be done to secure and implement a CPO; and
  • Funding options for delivering CPOs and associated projects including securing loans from the PWLB and other funders as well as loans or contributions from developers.

Using CPOs To Deliver Regeneration and Income - 5 Oct 2020

About the speakers

stanwell christopher

Christopher Stanwell

Christopher specialises in advising for both private and public sector clients on a wide range of planning, compulsory purchase, highways and public law matters, with a particular emphasis on mixed-use regeneration, housing, retail, and infrastructure projects.

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