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GLD Vacancies

GLD Vacancies

CVP, hybrid, and in-person hearings in the Employment Tribunal

Calling on practical experience, Tom Perry, Naomi Owen, Gemma Roberts & Changez Khan discuss preparing for and conducting Employment Tribunal hearings via the cloud video platform (CVP), hearings in person and hybrid hearings.

The panel consider the effects of the recent Presidential guidance on remote and in-person hearings; the Presidential guidance on open hearings and open justice; as well as the Employment Tribunals (Constitution and Rules of Procedure) (Amendment) Regulations 2020.




About the speakers

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Tom Perry

Tom is an experienced lawyer who regularly appears for both claimants and respondents in the Employment Tribunal and Employment Appeal Tribunal.

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Naomi Owen

Naomi appears for both claimants and respondents in the ET and EAT at all stages of proceedings, from preliminary hearings covering a wide range of interlocutory issues through to final hearing and appeal.

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Gemma Roberts

Gemma has a busy employment law practice and has amassed a wealth of experience in the full range of employment and discrimination law matters.

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Changez Khan

Changez is a specialist in employment and discrimination law.