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Planning and Environmental Law Update for the Northern Region

Stephen Tromans QC, John Pugh-Smith and Christiaan Zwart present 39 Essex Chambers’ annual Planning and Environmental Law Update for the Northern Region with a focus on the region's Environmental Recovery package, Financing Infrastructure and more.

Topics include:

  • The “Environmental Recovery” package for the Northern Region
  • Financing Infrastructure Today and Tomorrow: CIL & cIL
  • “Nuts and Bolts Cases: the 2020 Toolbox”

Please click here to view this webinar

About the speakers

Stephen Tromans QC

Stephen Tromans QC

Stephen Tromans QC is generally recognised as the leading practitioner in environmental law in the UK. As long ago as 1991 when a partner at Simmons & Simmons, he was named as the “Lawyers’ Lawyer” for environmental work by “Lawyer” magazine.

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Nicola Khon

John Pugh-Smith

John Pugh-Smith’s principal practice area is town and country planning with related environmental, real estate, local government and parliamentary work

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Christiaan Zwart 460x223

Christiaan Zwart

Christiaan Zwart has an extensive practice in Planning & Infrastructure Law, Environmental & Energy Law, Public and Local Government Law. He regularly represents developers, local authorities, and government agencies, including HMRC, the EA, and HA.

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