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GLD Vacancies

Digital Planning

Nicholle Kingsley, Zack Simons and Dr Sue Chadwick look at the current and emerging legal landscapes, common pitfalls and issues including compliance, equalities, human rights and digital ethics as well as the future of digital in planning.

Landmark Chambers and Pinsent Masons host a webinar to discuss the implications of digital planning.

The global pandemic has thrown the importance of digital technology to the forefront of our lives. At a time of both a housing crisis and a climate change emergency, it is more important than ever that we invest in digital planning and realise the impact this has on the planning process, engagement and the built environment, not just for the present and this generation, but for future generations.

To access the presentation slides for this webinar, please follow this link - here

About the speakers

Nicholle Kingsley

Nicholle Kingsley

Nicholle has extensive experience advising on all aspects of Planning & environmental legal issues on a wide range of UK and international development and regeneration projects. She is a partner at Pinsent Masons.

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Zack Simons

Zack acts for a wide range of developers at Landmark Chambers, including some of the UK’s leading housebuilders, a wide range of regional housebuilders and some of the country’s leading land promoters, Central Government, and many local planning authorities.

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Chadwick Sue November 2019

Dr Sue Chadwick

Sue is a Strategic Planning Advisor at Pinsent Masons.

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