Ashford Vacancies

GLD Vacancies

GLD Vacancies

The future of local plans

Gary Grant chairs a discussion that looks at the implications of a 'transformational' year in terms of town and country planning and considers what the future holds.

With the advent of virtual examinations in response to the pandemic, the government has signalled that Local Plans will be even more important in shaping the future growth of our settlements and conserving what is important.

With speakers from the Planning Inspectorate, the development industry and local authority backgrounds the webinar looked at important practical lessons from the last year, examining what the White Paper “Planning for the Future” might mean and providing a valuable opportunity to discuss and question current trends and what best practice in plan making will mean in the future. This included consideration of what implications use of technology will have for the evolution of future plans.

About the speakers

Gary Grant

Gary Grant of Kings Chambers is a specialist practitioner in Planning and Environmental Law.

Jerry Youle

Jerry is the Professional lead for PINS for Local Plans.

John Acres

John is the Policy Director for the Land Promoters Development Forum (LPDF).

John Careford

John is Policy Manager at Stratford-on-Avon District Council.

Constanze Bell

Constanze has a varied public law, planning and environmental law practice at Kings Chambers.