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Planning law update for local authorities: Planning challenges

Heather Sargent, Kimberley Ziya, Luke Wilcox and Alistair Mills consider the procedure of High Court planning challenges, before turning to two common topics which arise in challenges: heritage, and the interpretation of policy.


Introduction by Chair - Heather Sargent

Bringing and defending High Court challenges – Kimberley Ziya

Decision-making involving heritage – Luke Wilcox

Interpretation of planning policy – Alistair Mills

Questions and discussion

To access the presentation slides for this webinar, please follow this link -

About the speakers

Heather Seargent

Heather Sargent

Heather practises primarily in planning and compulsory purchase, environmental and EU law. She is ranked in both Chambers & Partners and the Legal 500.

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KIM 5461

Kimberley Ziya

Kim joined Chambers in 2019 and is building a practice across all three of chambers’ main practice areas with a focus on property, planning and environmental law.

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Sarah Cary

Luke Wilcox

Luke Wilcox was called to the bar in 2013 (Middle Temple); he took up tenancy in October 2014, on successful completion of his pupillage. Luke accepts instructions in all areas of Chambers’ work, with a particular focus on planning, rating, CPO, highways and property law.

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Alistair Mills

Alistair’s areas of practice are planning and environmental, and public law. He is the author of Interpreting the NPPF: the New National Planning Policy Framework (Bath Publishing, 2018).

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