Ashford Vacancies

GLD Vacancies

GLD Vacancies

Getting to grips with infrastructure projects as a local authority

Michael Bedford QC and Ruchi Parekh consider lessons learnt from recent DCO Examinations, including their experiences from the Norwich Northern Distributor Road, the Lake Lothing Third Crossing, the Great Yarmouth Third River Crossing, the East Anglia One North and East Anglia Two offshore windfarms, and the Sizewell C nuclear power station Examinations.

Also discussed:

  • The basics of the Planning Act 2008 regime for DCOs
  • NSIPs and quasi-NSIPs under s.35 directions
  • Local authority highway schemes
  • Local authority regeneration schemes
  • Local authorities as host authorities
  • Local authorities and adequacy of consultation
  • Local authorities and Local Impact Reports
  • Participating in a DCO Examination
  • Local authorities and the discharge of Requirements

About the speakers

michael bedford

Michael Bedford QC

His practice covers all areas of town and country planning, local government law, judicial review, environmental law, infrastructure, highways and compulsory purchase.

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Ruchi Parekh

Ruchi Parekh

Ruchi has a broad public law practice with particular expertise in planning, information, property and election law.

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