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GLD Vacancies

Local plans: Tips for success

Paul Shadarevian QC, Wayne Beglan, Clare Parry and Dr. Ashley Bowes discuss numerous topics relating to Local Plans, including duty to cooperate, the examination, legal challenges and policy drafting.

You can find a copy of the slides used in the webinar here:

About the speakers

Paul Shaderevian QC

Paul Shadarevian QC

Paul Shadarevian QC specialises in Planning; Compulsory Purchase and Compensation; Local Development Frameworks and Policy Formulation; Highways; Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas; Local Government and Public Procurement; and Environmental law.

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Wayne Beglan

Wayne Beglan

Wayne has particular expertise in judicial review, planning, housing, regeneration, landlord and tenant, employment, procurement and contractual work for local authorities, RPs, developers and corporations.

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Clare Parry

Clare has a busy public law practice with particular expertise and interest in planning where she has been recognised as a leading junior for a number of years.

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Ashley Bowes

Dr Ashley Bowes

Dr Ashley Bowes specialises in all aspects of the development and use of land, including planning, property, licensing and local government law.

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