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GLD Vacancies

Costs for Planners

Join Tom Morris, Rupert Cohen and Nick Grant as they explore the costs jurisdiction.

This webinar is for all those involved in the planning process, whether for developers, local planning authorities, or rule 6 parties.

Costs awards in planning inquiries and hearings are rare, but they do happen. Parties also often use them as a threat to try and discipline other participants. But what is the procedure for a costs award? How is it enforced? And how much can any party really expect to recover?

About the speakers

Tom Morris web

Tom Morris

Tom has a particular focus on all areas of the law relating to the development of land, and complements his property litigation practice with his knowledge and experience of planning and environmental law at Landmark Chambers.

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Rupert Cohen web

Rupert Cohen

Rupert has a successful property and chancery practice allied with a specialist knowledge of costs law. He was appointed Junior Counsel to the Crown (Attorney General’s B Panel) in 2020 and is an ADR Accredited Mediator.

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Robert Walton QC

Nick Grant

Nick accepts instructions in cases concerning Planning and Compulsory Purchase law, Property law, Administrative, Public and Procurement Law, Environmental law, Commercial Dispute Resolution, and Costs at Landmark Chambers.

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