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GLD Vacancies

Compulsory Purchase: A fresh perspective

Paul Shadarevian QC, Harriet Townsend, Emmaline Lambert and Dr. Christina Lienen consider compulsory purchase law and practice for acquiring authorities and affected owners – pitfalls to look out for, and tips to take to heart.

About the speakers

Paul Shaderevian QC

Paul Shadarevian QC

Paul Shadarevian QC specialises in Planning; Compulsory Purchase and Compensation; Local Development Frameworks and Policy Formulation; Highways; Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas; Local Government and Public Procurement; and Environmental law.

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Landmarks health and social care 3

Harriet Townsend

Harriet specialises in planning and environment law, and related property matters (most notably compulsory purchase).

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Ruchi Parekh

Emmaline Lambert

Emmaline is ranked as a leading junior in planning, and health and safety in the latest editions of the Chambers UK Bar directory and the Legal 500 UK Bar directory.

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Dr Christina Lienen

Dr Christina Lienen

Christina is gaining experience in all of Chambers' practice areas. She has been accepting instructions since 1 April 2020.

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