Ashford Vacancies

GLD Vacancies

GLD Vacancies

Developing Greenfield Sites Outside Settlement Boundaries

Jonathan Clay, Dr. Ashley Bowes and Rowan Clapp explore the issues that may be faced when developing greenfield sites outside of settlement boundaries, including: housing land supply, tilted balance, access issues, commons and village greens, development within the Green Belt and landscape/heritage issues.

About the speakers

 Jonathan Clay

Jonathan Clay

Jonathan Clay is widely recognised as a leader in his field of planning and environment law. His case work includes court and public inquiry advocacy at the highest levels.

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Ashley Bowes

Dr Ashley Bowes

Dr Ashley Bowes specialises in all aspects of the development and use of land, including planning, property, licensing and local government law.

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Rowann Clapp

Rowan Clapp

Rowan joined Cornerstone Barristers as a tenant in October 2019. He is developing a broad practice across all areas of Chambers' work, including Public Law & Judicial Review, Planning & Environmental Law, Housing Law, Information Law, Licensing and Commercial & Regulatory Law.

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