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GLD Vacancies

Planning case law update

James Findlay QC, Ryan Kohli, Ruchi Parekh and John Fitzsimons explore the most recent key Planning Law cases.

About the speakers

james findlay

James Findlay QC

Cornerstone Barristers

James is a leading practitioner in the fields of Planning & Environment, Local Government, Administrative and Public and Licensing law.

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Ryan Kohli

Cornerstone Barristers

Ryan is a leading public law practitioner with particular expertise in planning and environmental law and social housing at Cornerstone Barristers.

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Ruchi Parekh

Ruchi Parekh

Cornerstone Barristers

Ruchi has a broad public law practice with particular expertise in planning, information, property and election law.

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john small

John Fitzsimons

Cornerstone Barristers

John's practice encompasses Administrative & Public law, Planning & Environmental law, Information law, Inquests & Inquiries, Court of Protection, Regulatory law, Licensing and Housing.

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