Ashford Vacancies

GLD Vacancies

GLD Vacancies

Equality law for planners

Jenny Wigley QC, Kimberley Ziya, Alex Goodman and Alex Shattock consider the implications of equality law for planners.


  • Introduction by Chair – Jenny Wigley QC
  • The public sector equality duty: requirements and application in the planning context – Kimberley Ziya
  • Equality law and the Planning Court – Alex Goodman
  • Other equality matters: designing for equality and the best interests of children – Alex Shattock
  • Questions and discussion

To access the presentation slides for this webinar, please click here

About the speakers


Jenny Wigley QC

Landmark Chambers

Jenny’s practice is focused on planning and environmental law and non-domestic rating (local government tax). Of notable recent interest, she represented the successful claimant in the statutory review challenge to all the Green Belt allocations in the Leeds Site Allocations Plan.

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Kimberly Ziya

Kimberley Ziya

Landmark Chambers

Kim joined Chambers in 2019 and is building a practice across all three of chambers’ main practice areas with a focus on property, planning and environmental law.

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Alex Goodman edit

Alex Goodman

Landmark Chambers

Alex’s specialises in planning, environment and public law including human rights, immigration, discrimination and local government.

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Alex Shattock 2

Alex Shattock

Landmark Chambers

Alex’s practice focuses on public, planning and environmental law. His recent instructions include matters in the Court of Appeal, High Court, County Court, Magistrates’ Court and various tribunals.

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