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London borough obtains High Court injunction to stop unauthorised use of green belt land for parking

Hillingdon Council secured a High Court injunction this month to prevent the unauthorised parking of more than 300 vehicles on green belt land in Harlington.

The local authority said that, following complaints from residents, an investigation by its planning enforcement team found hundreds of cars were being illegally parked on a privately owned site. 

“As well as the breach of planning control regulations, with vehicles parked on the site for storage and sale by multiple parties, council officers also found illegally erected structures and gravel used to reinforce the ground to allow vehicles to move across the site,” it added.

The High Court order requires the land and boundary to be fully cleared and restored to its former condition by 14 February 2025.

Cllr Steve Tuckwell, Hillingdon Council's Cabinet Member for Planning, Housing and Growth, said: "We share residents' concerns and frustration, and I'm pleased the High Court has recognised the urgency of this issue by granting the injunction to finally bring the illegal activities to an end. 

"We are committed to keeping residents safe and to protect precious green belt land and will always take robust action to ensure our planning rules are enforced."