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Thinktank calls for taskforce to tackle “significant” challenges facing public sector AI procurement

The UK Government should form a national taskforce for procurement of AI in local government to bring together diverse perspectives and redesign the procurement landscape for AI in the public interest, the Ada Lovelace Institute has said.

Writing in a report, 'Spending wisely', the independent research institute warned that private sector technologies are "rapidly" being rolled out across the public sector, "but without a joined-up approach and with little oversight or transparency".

The report identified a number of "significant problems" affecting the ability of local government procurers to effectively buy AI technologies, including confusing guidance and legislation, data challenges, uncertainty about how AI works and how it can be used, and imbalances between local government and a private sector often dominated by monopolies.

In response, the institute said a national taskforce should be formed in order to bring together experts from across the public and private sectors to develop and test practical solutions.

According to the report, the taskforce's work should focus on ensuring that regulatory and legislative documents are "clear, consistent and practicable".

It should also focus on gathering evidence on and setting metrics of success for procuring and deploying AI in local government, as well as the creation of robust governance structures, contract templates and assessment frameworks.

In addition, the institute said the taskforce could design and recommend a suite of specific skills and training for local government procuring bodies to be able to critically engage with AI technologies and the claims made by suppliers.

Imogen Parker, Associate Director at the Ada Lovelace Institute, said: "Our research confirms these concerns first-hand and paints a picture of a procurement landscape that is holding local government back from using the transformative potential of AI to deliver genuine benefits for people and society.

"Private sector technologies are rapidly being rolled out across the public sector, but without a joined-up approach and with little oversight or transparency.

"This is why we're calling for a national taskforce to bring together a broad cross-section of perspectives and expertise to help deliver urgent reforms that will ensure local government procurement is fit for the AI era."

According to the institute, the report drew on the experiences and perspectives of stakeholders in local and central government, tech companies, regulators, academia and civil society.

Adam Carey