Ashford Vacancies

GLD Vacancies

GLD Vacancies

PD51Z, case law update and proposals for space furlough and insolvency protection

Michael Walsh, Daniel Dovar, Jonathan Upton and Piers Harrison discuss PD51Z and Arkin v Marshall, the Supreme Court’s decision in Duval and proposals for space furlough and insolvency protection.

About the presenters

Landmarks health and social care 3

 Michael Walsh

Michael’s expertise encompasses all aspects of the law of property, commercial and chancery work.

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Sarah Sutherland

Daniel Dovar

Daniel specialises in real property and leasehold law with an emphasis on landlord and tenant.

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Landmarks health and social care 1

Jonathan Upton

Jonathan Upton specialises in property disputes.

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Piers Harrison

Piers Harrison

Piers’s practice covers all areas of property law. He enjoys litigation. He is particularly experienced in leasehold enfranchisement.

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