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Current issues in listed building regulation: Dill, “building” and curtilage

David Elvin QC and Guy Williams consider a recent judgment of the Supreme Court which is of major importance as to what items may properly be listed as listed buildings and how a decision to list such an item may be challenged, including in the course of enforcement and other proceedings.

This webinar will consider the recent judgment of the Supreme Court in Dill v Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government [2020] UKSC 20 handed down on 20th May 2020. The webinar also considers the recent decision of Holgate J. in Hampshire CC v Secretary of State [2020] EWHC 959 (Admin) which addresses the extent of the curtilage in conferring protection on listed buildings.

Click here to view the slides.

About the speakers

Neil Cameron QC

David Elvin QC

David Elvin QC was called to the Bar in 1983 and took silk in 2000 and is called to the Bar of Northern Ireland.

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Guy WilliamsGuy Williams

Guy specialises in planning, environmental, transport and infrastructure, compulsory purchase and rating law.

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