Ashford Vacancies

GLD Vacancies

GLD Vacancies

A New Look at Leasehold Restructuring: are landlords out of the money?

Zia Bhaloo QC, Camilla Lamont, David Nicholls and Evie Barden consider the impact on landlords of three significant new decisions in the field of retail, leisure and hospitality lease restructuring.

The panel discusses:

  • The use of the New Restructuring Plan under part 26A of the Companies Act 2006 and cross-class cram down following Re Virgin Active Holdings [2021] EWHC 1246 (Ch)
  • The dismissal of the landlords’ “root and branch” attack of the New Look CVA in Lazari Properties 2 Ltd v New Look Retailers Ltd [2021] EWHC 1209 (Ch) and its implication for future challenges to CVAs
  • The revocation of the Regis CVA in Carraway Guildford (Nominee) Ltd v Regis UK Ltd [2021] EWHC 1294 (Ch) and the finding that the nominees’ conduct fell below the required standard
  • The implication of the decisions in New Look and Regis for future challenges to CVAs

To access the presentation slides for this webinar, please follow this link -

About the speakers

Heather Seargent

Zia Bhaloo QC

At the outset of her practice Zia had a wide chancery commercial practice, including insolvency, property, company, professional negligence, trusts and commercial disputes.

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David Elvin

Camilla Lamont

Camilla is a senior junior who is ranked in tier 1 for real estate litigation by Chambers UK and was named real estate junior of the year at the Chambers UK Bar Awards in 2017.

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David Nicholls

David has a busy practice with a particular emphasis on real estate and landlord & tenant. David joined Landmark Chambers in 2015 after many years in Lincoln’s Inn where he gained valuable and wide-ranging expertise in commercial, chancery, and insolvency related matters, which continue to inform his practice today.

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Evie Barden

Evie has a successful practice that spans the full range of commercial Chancery and property litigation.

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