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Unpacking disposal of development land

Join Richard Snape as he unpacks the fundamental cases that form the backbone of real estate law.

In this episode of Unpacking the Case, Richard delves further into the cases discussed in his recent webinar, Local Authority Disposal of Development Land.Cases discussed in this podcast are as follows:

  • Attorney General v Bath and North East Somerset Council [2002] EWHC 1623 Baddeley v Sparrow [2015] UKUT 470 
  • Bath Rugby Ltd v Greenwood [2020] EWHC 2662 
  • Shaviram Normandy v Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council [2019] UKUT 256 
  • Davies v Dennis (2009) EWCA 1081 
  • Coventry School Foundation v Whitehouse [2012] EWHC 23

About the speaker

Richard SnapeRichard Snape

Davitt Jones Bould

Richard has been the Head of Legal Training at Davitt Jones Bould since 2002. He enjoys a national reputation for lecturing on a range of property law topics, including leading DJB’s programme for CPD training. His areas of specialism include both commercial and residential property, in particular in relation to local government law, conveyancing issues, development land, commercial property and incumbrances in relation to land.

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