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GLD Vacancies

Cut your neighbour down to size?

David Sawtell and Niraj Modha share their thoughts on common disputes between and involving neighbours, the legal issues which they throw up, and the steps which may be taken to resolve them.

The webinar considers the following specific issues:

  • The maintenance and improvement of property – what rights do neighbouring landowners have, and what steps should (and should not) be taken to enforce these?
  • Noise and disturbance – what can a neighbour do when things get out of hand, and what is the effect of Duval v 11-13 Randolph Crescent Limited [2020] UKSC 18 in such disputes?
  • Encroachment by a lessee on land not demised – how does this issue arise, and what effect does it have on common parts and amenity land?

This webinar is presented by David Sawtell and Niraj Modha.

Please click here to view the webinar

About the speakers

Sian Davies

David Sawtell

39 Essex Chambers

David specialises in substantial construction and property disputes, as well as commercial dispute resolution.

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Niraj Modha

39 Essex Chambers

Niraj Modha specialises in commercial, construction, and property litigation and arbitration.

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