Ashford Vacancies

GLD Vacancies

GLD Vacancies

Rent Repayment Orders: Assessing the Amount

Mathew McDermott and Karolina Zielinska sit down to discuss how the First-tier Tribunal (Property Chamber) is currently approaching the assessment of the amount of rent repayment orders that are made in a tenant’s favour.

About the speakers

Nicola Khon

Mathew McDermott

Mathew is a through-and-through landlord and tenant specialist.

In simple terms, if the matter is of relevance to either a landlord or a tenant, in whatever guise they appear -- residential or commercial -- or whatever Court or Tribunal in which they find themselves, Mathew will be able to assist.

Above everything Mathew gives direct, concise, no-nonsense and honest advice that cuts through the irrelevancies and focuses solely on what matters to the client. One solicitor has said that “Mathew has the knack of still seeing the wood despite there being many trees in the way”


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Karolina Zielinska

Karolina joined chambers following the successful completion of her pupillage in October 2023. She is committed to developing a broad practice across Chambers’ main areas of expertise.

Karolina has a particular passion for pro bono work and access to justice, having previously volunteered at the Free Representation Unit, Commons, Advocate and Amicus UK, amongst other charities.

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