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GLD Vacancies

GLD Vacancies

Current challenges facing employers

Paula Kathrens and Debra Gers discuss the employment law issues that have arisen as a result of the need for Covid-19 secure workplaces, the complexities of the furlough scheme and challenges around new ways of working.

Blake Morgan employment law specialists, Paula Kathrens and Debra Gers considered the current challenges facing employers with the aim to:

  • Make sure you’re up to date with the latest developments regarding COVID-19 vaccinations and the employment law implications.
  • Consider employers’ extensive obligations in relation to hybrid working.
  • Provide an update on recent furlough-related Employment Tribunal decisions and other pandemic-related claims.
  • Discuss the practical issues in managing requests for flexible working and the possible extension of the right.
  • Consider how to support staff returning from a lengthy period of furlough

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About the speakers

Paula Kathrens portrait grey

Paula Kathrens

Paula is a partner in the Employment law team, advising key clients in both the public and private sectors including Welsh Government, further and higher education, health and social care, housing and the financial services sectors on all aspects of contentious and non-contentious employment law.

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Debra Gers portrait grey

Debra Gers

Debra is the Senior Practice Support Lawyer for the Employment, Pensions, Benefits and Immigration (EPBI) Group. She monitors key cases and legislative developments in both the UK and EU and provides legal updates to clients on topical issues as well as future developments.

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