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Crown Commercial Service to procure £820m Legal Panel for Government

The Crown Commercial Service (CCS) has issued a contract notice on its proposed procurement of a Legal Panel for Government.

The framework agreement will have seven lots:

  • Lot 1 - Core Legal Services
  • Lot 2 - Major Projects and Complex Advice
  • Lot 3 - Finance and High Risk / Innovation
  • Lot 4a - Trade and Investment Negotiations
  • Lot 4b - International Trade Disputes
  • Lot 4c - International Investment Disputes
  • Lot 5 - Rail Legal Services

The estimated value of the framework is £820m.

The contract is due to start on 30 September 2025 and run until 29 September 2028.

CCS said the framework would be utilised by central government departments including associated arm's length bodies (ALBs).

“It is intended that this commercial agreement will be the recommended vehicle for all legal services required by central government departments and their ALBs.”

Last month CCS said it would undertake market engagement ahead of the procurement of an agreement for the provision of legal services to the wider public sector. This framework is estimated to be worth £200m over four years.