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Rachel McKoy elected to local government seat on Law Society Council

Rachel McKoy, Director of Law & Governance at the London Boroughs of Newham and Havering, has won the election to the vacant local government seat on the Law Society Council.

Four local government lawyers had put their hat in the ring for the seat, which became vacant on the passing of Suki Binjal in October last year.

The other candidates were Sharon Lee Bridglalsingh, Aneeka Muneer Sarwar and Manjinder Kaur Nagra.

Solicitors working in local government (at a local council of any tier) were eligible to vote.

The election was administered for the first time by the Law Society. 

Commenting on the election result, McKoy said: “I am absolutely delighted that our local government lawyer family have put their faith in me to represent them on the Law Society Council.

“It is a privilege to take up the mantal from our former Council member Suki Binjal who left such a great legacy.

“I intend to ensure the voices of our sector are heard and our interests put forward.

“Thank you to all of you that voted.”